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Everything is preparation for the big show

Are you the type that makes promises to yourself, schedule activities, or say you’re going to do something, but end up not doing it?  Think about what your’e doing, the detrimental frame of mind you're setting in stone in the many facets of your life.
“Everything is preparation for the big show.”  I don’t know where I heard that phrase first, but since that day, it’s rang in my mind ever since.  The context in which I heard that phrase doesn’t matter, but how its affected and rewired my mind does.  I’ll try to explain what it means to me.  Like many of us, there are multiple outlets in my life that I live through on a daily basis.  To keep it simple, I’ll stick to these three: a work life, a gym life, and an entrepreneurial life.  How I perform in each of these facets, affects the other cause its all about mindsets and habits.  In my work life, I can look at the job as a paycheck, and as long as I survive the 9-10 hours I’m checked in for, then that job has served its purpose despite how I perform.  Think about what you’re telling your brain.  Your job can be mundane, repetitive, without challenge, and you can tell yourself, I’ll just do enough to not set any alarms with the Supervisors, enough to not get fired, enough to not stick out.  What your mind registers and learns is that by doing just enough, it survives and gets by.  Do this long enough, it becomes a habit.  This is dangerous because if you’re trying to achieve your ideal optimal health, or reach a new plateau in business, when times are rough or you lack the energy, you won’t reach for that last rep in the gym, or that last push in your business all because of the habit you’ve learned from the other aspect of your life
The key is to perform at an optimal level in all facets of your life.  In application, if you approach your job as a challenge to give your 100%, you’ll start creating a new habit, your mind will eventually reprogram itself and start implementing stronger self serving frame of mind when times get tough in the other aspects of your life.

"The Process Starts Today" T-Shirt is available for Sale on Amazon.
The Process Starts Today T shirt

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